


Kobe University

Orientation for New International Students (Spring 2020)

April 17, 2020

【Updated on April 17】
CIE will hold online guidance for undergraduate students/ for postgraduate international students (*excluding exchange students).

【Updated on March 4, 2020】
The spring 2020 International student orientation has been cancelled due to the current situation regarding the spread of COVID-19.
As an alternative, we will provide an Online Orientation for incoming students. Please download and read the handouts, and watch the orientation video before entering Kobe University.

Orientation for International Students

Date & Time
  *The same contents are presented. Please attend one of these. 
   (1st)     April 2 (Thu), 2020           13:30~16:30

   (2nd)    April 3 (Fri), 2020             13:30~16:30
   (3rd)     April 6 (Mon), 2020          13:30~16:30
Venue:                 Centennial Hall, Rokko Hall  (MAP, No.102)
Language:            Japanese-English Bilingual

Handouts for International Students' Orientation

Orientation Video

  1. Guide book for International Students (PDF) 
  2. Handbook for Enrollment of Personal Acciedent Insurance for Students Pursuing Education and Research "Gakkensai" 【Important】About the premium of "Gakkensai"
  3. Comprehensive Insurance for Students Lives Coupled with "Gakkensai"
  4. Advising and counseling services for international students (PDF)
  5. Disaster prevention information (PDF)
  6. Kobe University Library Guide
  7. Guidance on Security Export Control
  8. Recycling Rules (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese)
  9. Event Information

Japanese classes

  1. Timetable :Integrated Japanese Language classes
  2. Timetable :Japanese Language and Japanese Studies classes
  3. Japanese Classes Leaflet 
CIE (Center for International Education) has decided to postpone the start date of the spring semester to May 7.
CIE updates

Guidance for Degree-seeking Undergraduate Students/ for postgraduate international students

(Updated on April 17)

Message from the Center for International Education:
To new undergraduate and postgraduate international students

Welcome to Kobe University. Please accept our sincere congratulations on entering this university.
This academic year will start with online teaching, and no face-to-face teaching Quarter 1 due to the Covid-19 Pandemic.
We know that you must be feeling anxious about not being able to meet the faculty, staff, and peer students directly on campus, even though you are now registered here at Kobe.
CIE will hold online guidance for new international students at the dates/times below so that we can give you advice about what to be aware of and how to start your academic life here in these unprecedented circumstances.
Please feel free to attend.

Please note that the online guidance given by CIE are different to the ones given in your faculties. Please also attend the guidance sessions in your faculties and graduate schools by checking with the student affairs offices there.

For undergraduate students (*excluding exchange students)
Date & Time:    
1st session: Monday 27th April 12:00-13:00
2nd session: Tuesday 28th April 12:00-13:00
3rd session: Thursday 30th April 12:00-13:00
Language: Japanese
Application: Please fill in the Application Form 
We will inform you off the method for joining the online meeting system, by e-mail on the day of the guidance session.

For postgraduate international students (*excluding exchange students)

1st session: Friday 1st May 12:00-12:40
Language: Japanese

2nd session: Friday 8th May 12:00-12:40
Language: English

Application: Please fill in the Application Form
We will inform you off the method for joining the online meeting system, by e-mail on the day of the guidance session.

“Hiragana” Guidance 

【Updated on April 6】 CANCELLED

Date & Time:    April 22 (Wed),2020     13:40~15:20
Venue:                 Center for International Education, Room 101 (MAP, No.102)
Contents:             This is a short introduction for students with no prior experience of Japanese. Please attend this session only if you are a beginner with no knowledge of Hiragana.


(Center for International Education)