


Kobe University

Kobe University’s measures to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus

January 30, 2020


To all students and staff of Kobe University,

As of January 28, the Japanese Cabinet Office has listed Novel Coronavirus as a 'designated infectious disease'. Staff and students of Kobe University are asked to comply with the following in order to prevent widespread infection.

Symptoms of infection are varied- and are outlined in more detail below. To avoid spreading the virus, please refrain from coming to the university if you are unwell.

1. Those who have returned from affected areas with any symptoms of Novel Coronavirus (including coughing, fever (over 37.5℃), diarrhea and/or muscle fatigue) must wear masks and contact a medical institution or health center as soon as possible. In particular, those with respiratory problems (difficulty breathing) may have pneumonia and should go to the hospital immediately.

2. Returnees with no symptoms should continue to take their temperature everyday (more than twice each morning and evening), wash their hands and practice correct coughing etiquette (wearing masks). If they develop symptoms such as a cough or fever, they must do as described above in Point 1.

If you are returning from the affected area, please comply with Points 1 and 2. If you feel unwell during your journey, please contact quarantine when you land.

3. Furthermore, there have been confirmed cases of the virus in people who have not travelled to the affected areas. Therefore, even those who haven’t travelled overseas are requested to practice infection prevention: avoid coming to the university if you feel unwell and go to hospital if you have any of the aforementioned symptoms. If you have to stay at home, please follow the steps in Point 6.

4. For those with plans to travel to affected areas, please check the current alert level on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan website and confirm whether or not your travel is permitted from the chart on page 2 of the Kobe University International Crisis Management Manual . Please be aware that China’s Hubei Province is currently at Warning Level 3, meaning that travel to the area is generally prohibited (based on the aforementioned university guidelines).

Staff planning to travel outside Japan must submit a notification of their intent to travel overseas to their department. Students planning to go abroad must submit their travel plans through GEMs, including trips to their home country.  

5. In order to prevent widespread coronavirus infection, everyone is asked to comply with the following: hand washing (to prevent contact transmission) and practicing correct coughing etiquette, such as wearing masks (to prevent aerial transmission). In addition, hand sanitizers containing 70% alcohol are recommended to prevent on contact infection.

6. As previously mentioned, if you have any symptoms of coronavirus, please go to a hospital immediately where possible. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus please stay at home. Please telephone your faculty/graduate school office to inform them of this. Staff or students with cold symptoms such as a high fever may also have to stay at home. See the flowchart below for more information.

Lastly, please comply with the points above, take precautions regarding your health and remain calm. Please keep up to date regarding the virus by checking for the latest information in the links below.


TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President)

SUGIMURA Kazuro (Executive Vice President in Charge of Risk Management)

Guidance chart for those with symptoms

Information in English:

Information in Japanese: