


Kobe University

Measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for new incoming international students

July 9, 2020

Notices from the Japanese government

Please see below for details of notices from the Japanese government regarding new restrictions relating to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

1. Denial of permission to entry
2. Quarantine measures
3. Suspension of visa validity

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:  About COVID-19
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: QuarantineQ&A

More information in English about Government measures and multilingual coronavirus support can be found on the Japan National Tourism Organization site: https://www.japan.travel/en/coronavirus/

4. Extended validity period for the Certificate of Eligibility due to the effects of COVID-19

The Immigration Services Agency of Japan, Ministry of Justice has announced that the Certificate of Eligibility, which is normally valid for “3 months”, will be treated as valid for “6 months”, in light of various circumstances resulting from the coronavirus(COVID-19). This applies to Certificates of Eligibility issued between October 1, 2019 and January 29. 2021.Under this new measure, the Certificate of Eligibility will be deemed to be valid for six months from the date of the entry restriction measures being lifted or until April 30, 2021, whichever comes first. for the time being. This means that you will be able to use the Certificate of Eligibility for visa and landing applications within this validation period.

(Immigration Services Agency of Japan)
Regarding the period of validity for the Certificate of Eligibility
Entry restriction enforcement/lifting dates by country and region (in Japanese only)

Kobe University’s measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

The following are Kobe University’s measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for new incoming international students. These will be updated as new information comes to hand.

Updates regarding Japanese Language Classes offered by CIE (Center for International Education) can be found on the CIE page.

1. Kobe University’s Measures/ Restrictions (14 day quarantine)

Students who have departed from or transited through affected areas/ countries* must isolate themselves for 14 days from their date of entry into Japan.

* The following regions listed below are based on the list of designated areas at Infectious Disease Level 2 Level 1 or above to comply with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign affairs. 
【Updated on March 17】The level has been changed from Level 2 to Level 1.

As of March 25:  Japan's Foreign Ministry issued a level 2 alert for all the countries in the world.

Students travelling from or through these areas are not allowed to enter the university campus(es) or the school dormitories for 14 days. For those who are planning to move in to a school residence or dormitory, please check in after this period. This 14 day period begins from the following day after you enter Japan. (eg. Entry on April 1 → First available dormitory check-in date is April 16.)      

During the 14-day isolation period, check your temperature (twice a day, morning and night),wash your hands frequently, practice correct “cough etiquette” and monitor yourself for symptoms including fever, cough or shortness of breath.
Download the checklist (PDF) (EXCEL) and monitor your condition.
If seeking medical care, you should wear a surgical mask and contact the student affairs section of your faculty or graduate school ahead of time.


2. 【For Degree-seeking students only】

For degree-seeking undergraduate and postgraduate students who unable to arrive Japan due to the effects of the coronavirus, temporary leave for 6 months from April 1, 2020 will be granted upon application. (this period will not be included in the total period of leave.) If required, the leave may be extended for another 6 months under exceptional circumstances.



3. Procedures of Residing in Japan at the local authorities after your arrival

Students must submit a “notification of moving in form” at their local municipal office in Japan within 14 days after moving into their new place. However, during the 14 day isolation period, students must refrain from going outside unless absolutely necessary. 
Please read "Procedures at the local municipal office".