


Kobe University

Measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for Current international students

June 3, 2020

Notices from the Japanese government

1. Denial of permission to entry
2. Quarantine measures

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan: Border enforcement measures to prevent the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) 
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare:  About COVID-19
Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare: QuarantineQ&A

More information in English about Government measures and multilingual coronavirus support can be found on the Japan National Tourism Organization site: https://www.japan.travel/en/coronavirus/

Kobe University’s measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Classes for the second semester: Remote classes only, in principle.
However, some seminars, experiments and practical training can be conducted face-to-face based on the decision of each faculty.

Students travelling from or through designated areas at Infectious Disease Level 1 or above are not allowed to enter the university campus(es) or the university dormitories for 14 days.
Students are not allowed to return to the dormitory for 14 days from their date of entry into Japan in order to reduce the risk of infection or spreading infection to others.

During the 14-day isolation period, check your temperature (twice a day, morning and night),wash your hands frequently, practice correct “cough etiquette” and monitor yourself for symptoms including fever, cough or shortness of breath.
Download the checklist (PDF) (EXCEL)and monitor your condition. 
If seeking medical care, you should wear a surgical mask and contact the student affairs section of your faculty or graduate school ahead of time.