


Kobe University

【Update】 Notice regarding the 2020 Medical Check-up for all Current Students

May 14, 2020

To all current students (2nd year and up),

※New students entering Kobe University this year: please see the following notice regarding your medical: /en/NEWS/info/2020_03_26_01.html

Kobe University was originally going to conduct Medical Check-ups for all current students. However, it has been decided that these check-ups will not be held in order to prioritize the safety of all students with regard to the worldwide spread of novel coronavirus (COVID19).

1.     Alterations

The Medical check-up will not be held at the Medical Center. Instead, only a medical consultation will be required.

2.     About the medical consultation (update:2020.5.13)

Please be sure to fill out the document in the following link (2020 Health Checkup for Current Students), and submit it to the Student Support Division  by post.

?Submission deadline: June 15 (Mon)

?Delivery address: Kobe University Student Support Division 

(person in charge : Mr.Nakanishi)

Tsurukabuto 1-2-1, Nada-ku, Kobe, 657-8501 Japan


3.     About the medical check-up results

If you require the medical check-up results for your scholarship, dormitory and/or training program application, first of all please ask them if it is possible to submit your check-up results for the previous year instead. We are able to reissue last year’s medical certificate if you undertook the complete examination. However, if you require a certificate for this year, please arrange a medical check-up at a medical institution by yourself and at your own expense.


 (Student Support Division)