


Kobe University

Update regarding Novel Coronavirus measures (April 28, 2020)

April 30, 2020

                       April 28, 2020

To all staff and students of Kobe University,

In order to comply appropriately and flexibly with governmental policy and Hyogo Prefecture’s measures against novel coronavirus, and to unify the university’s measures in response to the infection situation etc., we have decided to divide university activities into seven categories, with each activity having six restriction levels. These were decided upon at the Novel Coronavirus Response Office meeting held on April 28, and are shown in ‘Kobe University’s Activity Restriction Measures to Prevent Widespread Novel Coronavirus Infection’ (please see the following link).

The seven categories are Research Activities, Classes, Coming to University (students), Extracurricular Activities (students), Internal Meetings, Business Trips/Private Travel (everyone) and Administration. The document indicates the actions that all members of the university are required to take according to the restriction level for each activity, as set by Kobe University.

The restriction levels for each category are currently set at Level 4, and will remain at the same level for the time being, regardless of whether the State of Emergency period for Hyogo Prefecture (due to end on May 6) is continued or lifted.

Please be aware that categories and restriction levels may be revised at any time as circumstances are rapidly changing. 

Although it is unfortunate that we have to restrict education and research activities, everyone’s health and safety are paramount. Therefore, we ask for your understanding and cooperation regarding these measures to prevent widespread novel coronavirus infection. The actions of each person in their everyday lives to protect the health of others are connected to protecting society as a whole, so we also ask that everyone cooperates with the government and Hyogo Prefecture’s requests to refrain from going outside.


TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President)

SUGIMURA Kazuro (Executive Vice President in Charge of Risk Management)