


Kobe University

Continuation of Kobe University's Emergency Announcement

May 14, 2020

May 12, 2020

To all staff and students,

The implementation period for the State of Emergency has been extended until May 31 across all prefectures, based on the Act on Special Measures for Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Response.  In Hyogo, the Hyogo Prefectural Response Policy against Novel Coronavirus Infection has been changed accordingly.

In light of this, the following emergency announcement that was issued by the university on April 7 still applies.

Emergency announcement:

1. In principle, students should stay at home and refrain from going outside for unnecessary and non-urgent reasons.

2. Faculty and staff members should work from home where possible.


TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President)

University Inquiries:

As our staff are working from home, it may be difficult to reach them by phone, or it may take more time than usual to receive a response to your inquiry. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and ask for your understanding at this time.