


Kobe University

Message from the President in response to the lifting of the State of Emergency

May 28, 2020

May 26, 2020

To all staff and students,

The State of Emergency was lifted from Hyogo Prefecture on May 21 with the prefecture’s response policy being altered accordingly. The fight against the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has reached a new stage. There is a need to resume economic and societal activity while avoiding a surge in infections. We decided on May 26 that Kobe University’s Activity Restriction Measures will be lowered from Level 4 to Level 3; this change will come into effect on June 1. However, there is still no vaccine or medication for the virus so we must be prepared for a possible second or third wave of infections. Therefore, I ask all staff and students to continue taking careful precautions against infection.

Kobe University began holding classes online from May 7. These remote classes will continue for at least the remainder of the 1st Semester. Our policy is to gradually allow students on campus, starting with those taking classes that need to be conducted in person, such as practical training or experiments. We ask our students to bear with this continued inconvenience. Please understand that these measures are to protect everyone’s health and the safety of society as a whole. 

I understand that some students are struggling to continue their studies due to their financial supporter’s reduced income or unemployment, as well as the loss of part-time job opportunities. The ‘Kobe University COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Fund’ that was set up on May 1 has received donations not only from Kobe University staff but also from our graduates and people outside the University. As a university, our policy is to support our students while observing trends in the government’s student support measures. If you are struggling, please discuss your problems with us instead of trying to cope with them alone.

Kobe University’s staff have supported our educational system by preparing for remote classes and expanding the university’s information infrastructure. I am very grateful for their efforts which have enabled us to conduct remote classes without any major difficulties. Further efforts are required to ensure that the University’s research and operations can return to normal and to maintain Kobe University Hospital’s services. Please carry out your work while taking precautions to prevent infection, such as by avoiding the three risk factors for infection (crowds, closed spaces and close contact).

TAKEDA Hiroshi (Kobe University President)