


Kobe University

【For foreign nationals enrolled at or working for Kobe University with a residence status of more than 3 months】Information about the Special Cash Payments from the Japanese Government

May 29, 2020

May 28, 2020

On April 20, 2020, the Emergency Economic Measures to Cope with COVID-19 were adopted by the Cabinet, and as a result the Japanese government will be sending out cash payments in order to provide relief to households across the country. 

The government will be providing ?100,000 per person to all residents, including foreign nationals who are recorded in the Basic Resident Registration System.

Those who are eligible, please refer to the website of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications “Portal website for the Special Cash Payments” before you apply.  


※The application forms vary by municipality.


Those who are registered on the Basic Resident Registration System as of April 27, 2020
※Foreign nationals who have residence status of over three months and registered as a resident in Japan are eligible

<Payment Amount>

100,000 yen per person

<How to Apply>

Online or by post
※Only people who have a My Number Card can apply online.

<Application Period>

Within 3 months from the start date of the application acceptance period. This start date varies by municipality.


Application Procedures

※Each municipality decides when to start accepting applications as well as when the payments will be distributed.

1     The head of every registered household will receive an application form

※If you recently moved

An application form will be sent to your registered address as of April 27, 2020. If the date on your Certificate of Moving-out is April 27, 2020 or before, the municipality where you now live will provide the special cash payment. If you moved after April 28, 2020, the municipality where you used to live will provide it. Those who haven’t submitted a moving-out notice will receive the special cash payment from the municipality  of their  old address. If you do not receive an application form by early June, please contact the city hall or ward office.

2     Apply by post or online

(By post)

Attach a copy of your personal identification and a copy of a document to verify the  payment transfer account to the back of the application form, then mail them via the enclosed reply envelope.


※A My Number Card and the PIN that you set up when you received it are necessary.

Fill out the form on the Mynaportal website and upload the necessary documents to confirm your bank account.

3     Receive the Special Cash Payment(s)

All the payments for the household will be transferred to the registered bank account.

?Application via Proxy : For those who are not able to enter Japan due to the Japanese Government’s entry restrictions?

Please ask a trusted acquaintance in Japan to contact your municipality on your behalf to see whether they will accept your application via proxy.

【Reference (in Japanese):Website of Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications】


Portal website for the Special Cash Payments [HP]

The application process, application forms and details vary by municipality. Please contact the municipality where you are registered as a resident for more details.

(International Exchange Division)


【3か月を超える在留資格を持って神戸大学に在職?在籍している外国籍の皆さんへ】 足球比分直播_皇冠体育投注-在线|官网特別定額給付金事業について



<給付対象者> 2020年4月27日において、住民基本台帳に記録されている者


<給付額> 給付対象者1人につき10万円

<申請方法> オンラインまたは郵送



●申請から受け取りまでの流れ            ※受付及び給付開始日は市区町村によって異なります。

①    申請書が各世帯に届く

②    郵便かオンラインで申請





③    給付金が振り込まれる



<申請受付期間> 申請期間は3ヶ月で、受付開始日は市区町村ごとに決められます。


【参考:総務省HP】 特別定額給付金 (足球比分直播_皇冠体育投注-在线|官网感染症緊急経済対策関連)

