


Kobe University

Regarding the Kobe University International Student Support Association’s “COVID-19 countermeasure special loan”

June 29, 2020

The Kobe University International Student Support Association manages the international student assistance fund (General loans and Special loans). “COVID-19 countermeasure special loan” is a newly established special loan to aid international students who need financial support due to novel coronavirus related circumstances.

COVID-19 countermeasure special loan

1. Loan amount limit: 200,000 yen

2. Repayment deadline: Graduation date of the currently enrolled course

3. Application documents: Application form?Signature of the supervisor, Details of one

 month’s income and expenditure

4. Delivery address: International Exchange Division

5. Selection process and loan standards:

The selection process will be carried out through screening of application materials and interviews. The loan will be granted if the following standards are met:

Loan standards:

① Applicants can obtain consent from their supervisor to receive lifestyle guidance from a member of staff nominated by the chairman of the Kobe University International Student Support Association.

② The applicant demonstrates excellence in their studies.

③ The staff appointed by the chairman of the Kobe University International Student Support Association can judge from the screening of application materials and the interview that the applicant will not fall behind on their loan repayments.

6. Please refer to the following website for more details about the application process.

    Kobe University Center for International Education website 

7. Contact:

   Please send inquiries to the address below, if you wish to apply for the loan.

   Kobe University International Exchange Division

   E-mail: intl-ryulife [at] office.kobe-u.ac.jp

 (※ Please change from [at] to “@”. )

   TEL: 078-803-5264  FAX: 078-803-5289

(International Exchange Division)