


Kobe University

【Update : accepting additional applications】About the Emergency Student Support Handout to enable students to continue their studies

July 6, 2020


An Emergency Student Support Handout has been set up by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) to support students who have suffered a great loss of income from their part-time jobs etc. due to the novel coronavirus situation, and are struggling to continue their studies as a consequence.

1. Eligibility: undergraduate and graduate students (excluding research students and auditing students)

In principle, this handout applies to students who were reliant on income from their part-time job to pay their studying costs but due to the coronavirus outbreak experienced a significant decrease or loss of this income, and as a result are struggling to pay their tuition fees etc., even with existing student support (Please see the MEXT website for more details).

2. Payment amount

Eligible applicants can expect to receive 100,000yen

3. Application process

First of all please submit the documents listed below by post, and then submit the completed  ‘Form 1’ and ‘Form 2’ Excel File by email.

Documents to submit by post:

● ‘Form 1: Application Form’ and ‘Form 2: Oath’ (required)

 *Please click on the link above to open the excel file- the password is [9999].

● Other necessary documents (please refer to the Excel file for more details)

 Submission Address:

 Please use the following Japanese address label. 

Documents to submit by email:

● ‘Form 1: Application Form’ and ‘Form 2: Oath’ Excel file (required)

 Submission Email: stdnt-corona-kyufukin[at]office.kobe-u.ac.jp (please replace ‘at’ with @ )

4. Submission Deadline

July 17, 2020 (Friday) *Deadline non-negotiable

5. Inquiries

Please send all inquiries by email to the Kobe University Student Support Division: stdnt-corona-kyufukin[at]office.kobe-u.ac.jp (please replace ‘at’ with @ )


(Student Support Division)