


Kobe University

About conduct over the New Year's period with regard to the spread of Novel Coronavirus

December 22, 2020

December 15, 2020


To all students,

Regarding Novel Coronavirus infection prevention measures, following on from the November 18 announcement (‘Regarding the Thorough Enforcement of Measures against Novel Coronavirus Infection’), the number of cases have been increasing throughout Japan, including Hyogo prefecture. The situation continues to be highly unpredictable.

During the New Year’s period, you are likely to have many opportunities to travel between prefectures, such as to go back to your hometown, and to take part in seasonal traditions, such as the first shrine visit of the New Year. However, we strongly advise everyone to continue practicing the basic infection prevention measures (such as wearing a mask, gargling, washing hands, practicing social distancing and ensuring sufficient ventilation), monitoring their own health and taking extra care not to pass on infection to others.

Each and every student should follow the infection prevention measures properly and refrain from taking part in social gatherings involving alcohol, as well as lengthily group meals. Please remember that always making sure to behave carefully enables you to freely enjoy aspects of student life, such as studying, playing sports and taking part in cultural activities.


Executive Vice President In Charge of Student Affairs.

Related links:

Regarding the Thorough Enforcement of Measures against Novel Coronavirus Infection (in Japanese). 

The Cabinet Secretariat’s Office for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control: COVID-19 Information and Resources (in English).