


Kobe University

Regarding semester 1 classes in AY2021

February 8, 2021

February 5, 2021

To all students,

As the current State of Emergency in Hyogo prefecture continues, Kobe University is mainly providing classes via remote learning, with some lectures, seminars, experiments and practical training being conducted on a face-to-face basis under thorough infection prevention measures.

Although it is difficult to predict how the coronavirus situation will change, Kobe University classes for semester 1 of AY2021 are expected to be conducted as a combination of in-person and remote (online) learning. Classes are due to commence as stated below:

Class registration period: April 2 (Friday) 13:00 – April 23 (Friday) 17:00

Classes commence: April 12 (Monday)

Please note that classes and examinations will be held on August 9, which is a substitute national holiday.

Be aware that the date on which classes commence may vary depending on the Faculty/Graduate School. For more details regarding the conduction of classes, please be sure to check the announcements on the university homepage, as well as each Faculty/Graduate School’s website.

(Student Affairs Division)