


Kobe University

About the conduction of classes after April 26, 2021

April 28, 2021

To all students,

On April 23, 2021, a State of Emergency was issued for 4 prefectures, including Hyogo. In accordance with the steps for universities outlined in Hyogo Prefecture’s ‘Request for Issuance of a State of Emergency and Measures under the Declaration (April 23, 2021)’, Kobe University’s ‘Activity Restriction Measures’ regarding classes and coming to campus (students) are set to Level 1: ‘Classes should be mainly held remotely’ and 'Students are only allowed on campus for some classes, research activities and permitted extracurricular activities, while taking precautions to prevent the spread of infection'.

Consequently all classes that can be conducted remotely will be held online wherever possible, until the end of Quarter 1 (June 13). For information on how each class will be held and restrictions on coming to the university campuses, please see the website of the faculty or graduate school responsible for conducting that class or the College for Liberal Arts and Sciences homepage, and follow their instructions.

Regarding extracurricular activities, the following are prohibited: activities taking place outside the prefecture, activities involving overnight stays within the prefecture, and eating and drinking with other students afterwards. For all other aspects, please follow the regulations listed in the ‘extracurricular activity restrictions’ updated on March 26 (in Japanese only).

Depending on infection prevalence and requests from the government or government bodies, the activity restrictions level may be raised, students may be generally prohibited from coming to campus and all classes may be held online in the future. Please check the University homepage, faculty/graduate school websites and the College for Liberal Arts and Sciences homepage frequently for updates.


Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization