


Kobe University

Important: Survey for all students regarding COVID-19 vaccination to be emailed on June 18

June 17, 2021

Kobe University will begin vaccinating its staff and students in early July, as soon as the doses and other related materials are ready. Therefore, we are conducting a survey in order to find out how many students wish to receive the vaccine. An e-mail regarding this survey will be sent to all students via the university’s safety confirmation system “ANPIC”. Once you receive the email, please make sure that you answer the survey by June 22.

In addition, vaccination is not mandatory for participation in university activities, and individual students who choose not to receive the vaccine will not be put at a disadvantage.

The safety confirmation system ”ANPIC” automatically sends emails to the address registered in each “student’s personal information” section of Uribo-net when large-scale disasters occur, so that the system manager can confirm students’ safety from their responses. This time, we will be using the system to gauge how many students wish to be vaccinated at Kobe University.

You can check how to receive emails from ANPIC via your specific cell phone provider in the link below. Please check your cell phone’s settings in advance to ensure that you receive the e-mail.
/info/project/crisis-management/index.html (in Japanese only)

We will begin sending the emails from June 18 at around 12:30pm.

(Student Support Division)