


Kobe University

About the lifting of the State of Emergency

June 25, 2021

June 24, 2021


To all students,

The State of Emergency for 9 prefectures, including Hyogo Prefecture, was lifted on June 20 and quasi-emergency measures were put into place on the following day. In accordance with Hyogo Prefectural Government’s requests and in light of the continued high percentage of cases in young people, Kobe University will continue to hold online classes in order to thoroughly prevent infection. Kobe University’s Activity Restriction Measures to Prevent Widespread Novel Coronavirus Infection will remain at the same level.

As part of its policies aimed towards recommencing in-person classes and extracurricular activities, Kobe University aims to vaccinate its members against the novel coronavirus. We are currently making preparations to begin offering on-campus vaccinations to students and staff (as well as students from another university) from the end of June.

I would like to remind all students not to let down their guard. Please continue to consistently follow through infection prevention measures.  



Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization