


Kobe University

(Updated 8/10) Important: Regarding Novel Coronavirus Vaccine Administration

July 6, 2021

July 6, 2021

Updated July 19, 2021

Updated July 27, 2021

Updated August 10, 2021

*Vaccination reservations at Kobe University are now closed. Only those who have already received their 1st dose at Kobe University can get their 2nd dose.  

If you wish to be vaccinated, please apply through the local government instead.

There have been numerous cases of people mistyping their email addresses when making a reservation. If the reservation completion screen is displayed, then this means that your reservation has been accepted even if you did not receive an email confirming this. Therefore, we recommend that you save a screenshot of the page showing your completed reservation.

Please see the following link for the FAQ about the Novel Coronavirus Vaccine


The novel coronavirus vaccinations are voluntary. Before making a reservation, please read the entire text below and make sure that you agree with its contents. Please obtain the permission of your guardian beforehand if you are underage (written proof is not required). Your status as a student will not be affected regardless of whether or not you are vaccinated. In addition, please do not discriminate against others based on their vaccination status. Those who wish to be vaccinated can choose to receive their inoculations either from Kobe University or their local government. However, you must receive your 1st and 2nd doses at the same venue.
Once the necessary number of vaccine doses have been determined, reservations will begin sometime during the following week.


Vaccine to be administered:
Moderna: 2 doses.
Students of Kobe University (all students who wish to be vaccinated at Kobe University, including research students, auditing students and international students).
The Rokko Hall inside Kobe University Centennial Hall (Address: 1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501). Please check the Map.
Explanation about the vaccine (Please read carefully before vaccination)
Information regarding the COVID-19 Moderna vaccination (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan): PDF
Precautions to take after vaccination :PDF
Vaccination Period:
1st dose: July 5, 2021 onwards
2nd dose: August 2, 2021 onwards
(The 2nd dose will be given in the same time slot around 4 weeks (28 days) after the 1st dose)
Caution: Please thoroughly read the files in the [Explanation about the vaccine] section above and choose your vaccination dates while taking your schedule into account, including classes, examinations and practical work. (Bear in mind that you may experience side effects some days after receiving the vaccination.)
How to apply:
Reservations can only be made through the online reservation system. Please click here to register.
Registrations for the 1st and 2nd dose are made at the same time. Please make sure that you select the dates and times so that you will be available to receive the 2nd dose as well.
You will receive your second dose approximately 4 weeks after the first (with some exceptions. Please see the reservation system for more details).
The deadline for booking the date for the 2nd dose is 2 days before the tentative date for your 1st dose.
(For example, if you wish to be vaccinated on July 5 (Monday), then the reservation deadline is July 3 (Saturday) at 23:59. However, please be aware that even if the deadline has not passed, you will not be able to make a reservation if all the slots have been taken. It is also not possible to be put on a waiting list for cancelled slots.)
On the day of your first dose, it will take around 1 hour to receive your vaccination after checking in at reception. Depending on the situation, you may have to wait longer at the reception than the time period specified in your reservation.
Example of dates as shown on the Reservation System: 「7月5日(Mon),8月2日(Mon)AM10:00-10:30【残5】」 (July 5 (Mon), August 2 (Mon)10:00-10:30am (5 remaining))
In this example, 10:00-10:30am is the reception time. Please make sure you are at the vaccination venue during this time period).
How to change your vaccination reservation:
To change your reservation, please first of all access the cancel URL in the reservation confirmation email and cancel your reservation. This will allow you to make a new reservation using the system.
There are no free slots when I am available/all the reservation slots are full
Please receive your vaccinations from the local government etc. instead.
When you cannot be vaccinated on the day due to feeling unwell
If you cannot receive the 1st dose: Please cancel your vaccination via the reservation system and then make a new reservation. If there are no dates on which you are available, please apply for your vaccination through the local government etc. instead. If you need to cancel on the day due to feeling unwell, please email the Student Support Office by 10am to reduce the amount of wasted doses (stdnt-vaccine [at] office.kobe-u.ac.jp).
When you received the 1st dose at Kobe University but are unable to receive the 2nd
Please contact the Student Support Group in the Student Support Section of the Student Affairs Department to discuss the matter (stdnt-vaccine [at] office.kobe-u.ac.jp).
Precautions on the day
? The vaccine will be administered by an intramuscular injection in your shoulder. Please wear a T-shirt or other clothing that you can roll up to your shoulder.
? Those who are clearly unwell cannot receive the vaccination (i.e those who have a body temperature of 37.5°C or higher on the day. This parameter may be different for those who normally have a low body temperature).
Things to bring
For the 1st dose:
? Student ID card
? Confirmation of your current address (e.g. either your My Number Card, Driving License, or Social Insurance Card).
? Pre-vaccination Screening Questionnaire (Please print off this form and fill in the necessary information beforehand)
? Vaccination Coupon (Only applies to students who have received one from the local government)
? Vaccination Record (Only applies to student who didn’t receive a vaccination coupon from the local government. Please print off this form and fill in the necessary information beforehand)
For the 2nd dose:
? Student ID card
? Confirmation of your current address (e.g. either your My Number Card, Driving License, or Social Insurance Card).
? Pre-vaccination Screening Questionnaire (Please print off this form and fill in the necessary information beforehand)
? Vaccination Coupon (Only applies to students who have received one from the local government)
? The Vaccination Record that you brought to the 1st dose appointment. (If your Vaccination Coupon arrived after you received the 1st dose, please bring both your Vaccination Record and Vaccination Coupon to the 2nd dose appointment.)
Post-vaccination Precautions
? Please wait at the venue for 15-30 minutes after receiving your vaccination in case you experience any immediate aftereffects.
? Please avoid doing any strenuous exercise or drinking alcohol on the days you receive your vaccination doses.
? If you experience any side effects after receiving the vaccination (such as fever, muscle pain or joint pain), you may take acetaminophen (fever-reducing medicine) such as Tylenol, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Loxonin. It is not recommended to take these medicines before side-effects occur. We recommend that you prepare your own medication in advance in case you need it.
? The university will not specifically issue certificates showing that you have received both doses. Therefore, please store your ‘Certificate of Novel Coronavirus Vaccination (provisional)’ (if you received a Vaccination Coupon) or your ‘Record of Novel Coronavirus Vaccination’ (if you didn’t receive a Vaccination Coupon) in a safe place.
What to do if you are unable to attend classes etc. due to side effects
Please inform the faculty member in charge of the class if you are unable to attend due to vaccination side effects. If the faculty member asks you for proof of vaccination, please show them your ‘Certificate of Novel Coronavirus Vaccination (provisional)’ if you received a Vaccination Coupon or your ‘Record of Novel Coronavirus Vaccination’ if you didn’t receive a Vaccination Coupon.
 Regarding reservation: Student Support Division: stdnt-vaccine [at] office.kobe-u.ac.jp
 Regarding receiving your vaccination/cancellation:  078-803-5292 (on your vaccination days)
078-803-5429 (outside of your vaccination days)
 Regarding classes: The Academic Affairs Section of your affiliated Faculty/Graduate School.