


Kobe University

Thorough infection prevention during the State of Emergency

August 19, 2021

August 19, 2021

To all students,

With the rapid increase in widespread novel coronavirus infection, the State of Emergency has been expanded to cover not only Osaka but Hyogo and Kyoto Prefectures as well.

At present, the critical situation in Hyogo Prefecture continues with the number of cases reaching unprecedented levels each day and hospital bed occupancy close to 60%.

Kobe University will keep its ‘Activity Restriction Measures to Prevent Widespread Novel Coronavirus Infection’ at the same level, while continuing to implement infection prevention measures and providing on-campus vaccinations for our staff and students.

I would like to ask all students to remain vigilant even if you have been vaccinated and please continue to thoroughly practice basic infection prevention, including wearing masks, sanitizing your hands and avoiding the Three C’s (crowds, closed spaces and close contact).


Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization