


Kobe University

To those who received Novel Coronavirus Vaccinations at Kobe University

August 27, 2021

August 26, 2021

It was reported on August 26 that a portion of the Moderna novel coronavirus vaccines given at several large-scale vaccination venues in the Kanto region were contaminated. The following announcements were subsequently made by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (in Japanese only), and Takeda Pharmaceutical(English version).

The batch numbers of the contaminated vaccines were announced. We checked these numbers against the vaccines that were given at Kobe University and confirmed that 180 vials from one of the affected batches, Batch 3004734, were supplied to the university in early August. These were given to 1,793 people during the period from August 20 to 25.

At Kobe University’s Vaccination Venue, multiple medical staff double check each vial and every single vaccination dose to confirm that there are no contaminants prior to administrating the vaccines. Furthermore, we will not be using any of the affected batch from August 26 onwards.

In the statements from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, and Takeda Pharmaceutical, there have been no reports of health and safety concerns that have arisen regarding the batch number in question so far.

If you were vaccinated at Kobe University between August 20 and 25, please check the batch number on the vaccination label attached to your Vaccination Coupon/Vaccination Record. If you received a vaccine from the contaminated batch and feel unwell, please go to the doctor’s.

Any new information regarding this matter will be announced on the university website.


KIDO Yoshiaki

Executive Vice President in Charge of Novel Coronavirus Response Office Meetings


Executive Vice President in Charge of Education and Internationalization