Creating the future together
We seek students who are willing to contribute to society’s development by through tireless effort to create new knowledge. We provide internationally outstanding education at the undergraduate and graduate levels to contribute to the advancement of learning and well-being of all.

Courses in English

- English-Based Master's Program (MA, Graduate School of Science)
- ICHS Course (MA, PhD, Graduate School of Health Sciences)
- International Program for Medical Research (PhD, Graduate School of Medicine)
- Kobe Global Graduate Program for Agricultural Science (MA, PhD, Graduate School of Agricultural Science)
- Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program (KIMAP)
- SESAMI PhD Program (PhD, Graduate School of Business Administration)
- Special Course on Development Policy (MA, Graduate School of International Cooperation)

- Agricultural Engineering and Socio-Economics (Bachelor)
- Agricultural Engineering and Socio-Economics (Doctoral)
- Agricultural Engineering and Socio-Economics (Master)
- Agrobioscience (Bachelor)
- Agrobioscience (Doctoral)
- Agrobioscience (Master)
- Architecture (Bachelor)
- Architecture (Doctoral)
- Architecture (Master)
- Biology (Bachelor)
- Biology (Doctoral)
- Biology (Master)
- Biomedical Sciences (Master)
- Bioresource Science (Bachelor)
- Bioresource Science (Doctoral)
- Bioresource Science (Master)
- Business Administration (Bachelor)
- Business Administration (Doctoral)
- Business Administration (Master)
- Chemical Science and Engineering (Bachelor)
- Chemical Science and Engineering (Doctoral)
- Chemical Science and Engineering (Master)
- Chemistry (Bachelor)
- Chemistry (Doctoral)
- Chemistry (Master)
- Child Education (Bachelor)
- Computational Science (Doctoral)
- Computational Science (Master)
- Cultural Interaction (Doctoral)
- Cultural Interaction (Master)
- Culture and Globalization (Doctoral)
- Culture and Globalization (Master)
- Development and Economics Program (Doctoral)
- Development and Economics Program (Master)
- Economics (Bachelor)
- Economics (Doctoral)
- Economics (Master)
- Engineering, Civil (Bachelor)
- Engineering, Civil (Doctoral)
- Engineering, Civil (Master)
- Engineering, Computer and Systems (Bachelor)
- Engineering, Electrical and Electronic (Bachelor)
- Engineering, Electrical and Electronic (Doctoral)
- Engineering, Electrical and Electronic (Master)
- Engineering, Mechanical (Bacheloar)
- Engineering, Mechanical (Doctoral)
- Engineering, Mechanical (Master)
- Environment and Sustainability (Bachelor)
- Global Cultures (Bachelor)
- Global Transportation Sciences (Bachelor)
- Health Sciences (Bachelor)
- Health Sciences (Doctoral)
- Health Sciences (Master)
- Human Cultural Studies (Doctoral)
- Human Cultural Studies (Master)
- Human Development and Community (Bachelor)
- Human Development (Doctoral)
- Human Development (Master)
- Human Environmental Science (Doctoral)
- Human Environmental Science (Master)
- Human Social Dynamics (Doctoral)
- Human Social Dynamics (Master)
- Humanities (Bachelor)
- Information Science (Doctoral)
- Information Science (Master)
- International Law/Law and Development Program (Doctoral)
- International Law/Law and Development Program (Master)
- International Studies Program (Doctoral)
- International Studies Program (Master)
- Kobe University Interdisciplinary Master Program (KIMAP)
- Law (Bachelor)
- Law and Politics (Law - Master)
- Law and Politics (Law - Doctoral)
- Law and Politics (Political Science - Doctoral)
- Law and Politics (Political Science - Master)
- Marine Engineering (Bachelor)
- Maritime Sciences (Doctoral)
- Maritime Sciences (Master)
- Mathematics (Bachelor)
- Mathematics (Doctoral)
- Mathematics (Master)
- Medical Sciences (Doctoral)
- Medicine (Bachelor)
- Ocean Safety Systems Science (Bachelor)
- Physics (Bachelor)
- Physics (Doctoral)
- Physics (Master)
- Planetology (Bachelor)
- Planetology (Doctoral)
- Planetology (Master)
- Political Science and Area Studies Program (Doctoral)
- Political Science and Area Studies Program (Master)
- Science, Technology and Innovation (Doctoral)
- Science, Technology and Innovation (Master)
- Systems Science (Doctoral)
- Systems Science (Master)
Short Term Programs
Academic Policy
Study in Japan

- Study in Japan
- Procedures for Entering Japan
- Change of Status of Residence
- Extension of Period of Stay
- Immigration and Residence Procedures upon Arrival in Japan
- Inviting Family Members to Japan and Necessary Procedures after their Arrival
- Leaving Japan temporarily and Re-entry
- Orientation for New International Students
- Work Permit for Part-time Jobs
- Procedure for Staying in Japan
- Residence Card Reissuance
- Information to report to the Immigration Bureau
- Residence Card
- Temporary Withdrawal from University