Towards innovation: creative mechanical engineering
Mechanical engineering covers a very wide area from basic science to applied engineering, including fluid flow, heat and mass transfer, computational mechanics, solid mechanics, materials science, micro-machining, intelligent manufacturing, automatic control, and system design. The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers many of the basic disciplines that can be applied to industrial production with the potential to enrich human lives while remaining environmentally conscious.
Structure and Divisions
The Department of Mechanical Engineering was established in 1921, making it one of the oldest departments in Kobe University. This Department has produced many leading engineers in mechanical engineering. It has three divisions: Thermo-Fluid Dynamics, Mechanics and Physics of Materials, and Design and Manufacturing. Research programs are offered in 13 fields.
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
As well as aiming to increase the efficiency of generation and transportation mechanisms for fluid energy and thermal energy, this Division also teaches students to think about energy exchange systematically, placing our studies within a broad environmentally-conscious framework.
Mechanics and Physics of Materials
This Division investigates the formation, composition and dynamic properties of solids on a micro, meso, and nano level, and evaluates the function, strength and safety of materials from this viewpoint. We aim to increase functionality on the surface and interface levels.
Design and Manufacturing
Targeting mechanical components and materials technology, mechanical systems, and social systems, this Division combines the fields of system design and analysis, intelligent robots, control logic, emergent systems, and next-generation manufacturing technology.
Fields of study within the Department:
Intelligent Production Systems
This course deals with the effective use of information to achieve stable, efficient, and high quality operations in production systems, covering technologies such as production planning, distribution, instrumentation and control, and skill acquisition and transfer.
Adaptive Function Models
Education and research on the fundamentals of information and communication technologies, especially the fundamentals and applications of photonic devices, speech processing, and natural language processing.
Knowledge-based Manufacturing
This field targets production and distribution systems, offering a scientific and technology-focused education in the design of manufacturing systems, production planning, monitoring production progress, and robotic technology as an element of production systems.
Our education goals (Undergraduate Program)
New students will immediately be introduced to the significance and necessity of mechanical engineering. This course is designed to increase the ratio of advanced specialist courses each year, and the fourth year graduation research project will equip students with the skills to carry out advanced research and technological development.
Key Information
- Degree Programme
Bachelor of Engineering - Subject area
Engineering, Mechanical - Duration
4 years - Total Intake (AY 2015)
Contact Us
1-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel. +81(0)78-803-6350
E-mail: eng-kyomugakusei@office.kobe-u.
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