On December 19, President Supasawad Chardchawarn of Thammasat University called on President FUJISAWA Masato of Kobe University.
The meeting was attended by Vice President Supreedee Rittironk of Thammasat University, as well as Executive Vice President TAMAKI Hisashi, the director of the Institute for Promoting International Partnerships, MATSUNAMI Jun, professor at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, MAISAWA Tatsuya, project assistant professor at the Graduate School of International Cooperation Studies, and HANADA Eva, associate professor at the Institute for Promoting International Partnerships, from Kobe University.
During the discussions, both parties exchanged ideas on potential cooperation in various fields, including student exchange, such as the possibility of establishing a double degree program. They also explored the use of overseas alum associations and other graduate networks.
It is hoped that this visit will further deepen exchanges between the two universities in the future.

(Global Engagement Division)