Exploring the future of disaster recovery as communities face population decline
Next-generation hazard maps to help society change and enhance disaster resilience
Former students reflect on the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 30 years ago
Medical lessons from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and JR Fukuchiyama Line derailment accident
Kobe University nurtures people supporting science — and future researchers
Legislation to protect the human rights of disaster victims
Volunteers demonstrate the strength of the flock
From superconductivity to hydrogen: Bridging research to forge the future
Photoproduction creates medicine from waste
Looking ahead to the future of Japanese language education
Passing down experiences from the earthquake
What results from agricultural collaboration between communities and the university?
A venue for dialogue with citizens initiated in the wake of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake
Supporting sports teams with medicine - Orthopaedic surgery at Kobe University
From entrepreneurship education to fundraising
A new department for the development of new medical devices
What is the goal of the newly established Faculty of System Informatics?
People make history, history makes people.
Preparing for future disasters by looking at past ones
Changing Global Logistics and the Global Environment with Digital Technology
Recreate development in a petri dish to understand how plants live
The LDP slush fund scandal: What will make politicians accountable?
The SDGs and international relations from the perspective of human security
What happened underground during the Noto Peninsula earthquake?
Questioning cities that create wealth disparities
Focusing on muscles as secretory organs
Elucidating Urban "Ecosystems" and Creating Regional Diversity
To verbalize atmosphere
Learning from Asian countries to control the global #1 cause of death
How to Weave Kobe's History of War and Occupation?