Furthering knowledge creation as a world-class center of research and education
Kobe University conducts original and creative research across the full breadth of academic endeavor and applied research co-created with the local community contributing to society and the expansion of human knowledge.
New center to tackle issues facing Japan’s smaller businesses
Professor Ken-ichi Yoshida appointed Ambassador for the Federation of European Microbiological Societies
Graduate School of Engineering endowed chair “Sustainable Chemistry” develops new biomass utilization process with Nippon Shokubai
Research Support

Funded Research Programs

- Funded Research Programs
- Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research
- Kobe University Strategic International Collaborative Research Grant
- Development of a global-standard, minimally invasive, functional brain network mapping technique for brain surgery
- Establishing an Asian Network to develop a novel treatment for prostate cancer
- International consortium on ‘Mie-tronics’: a new emerging field of nanophotonics
- International agricultural research platform for sustainable food production
- Illuminating how huge earthquakes occur in Japan, Mexico and Chile
- Creating an international innovation hub for engineering biology
- International membrane consortium on research and education strives for sustainable and carbon-neutral societies
Institute of Promoting Academic Research Programs