At a glance
- 1,199 Undergraduates enrolled
- 388 (142*)Graduates enrolled *MBA
- 119 International students enrolled
- 55 Faculty members
Kobe University was the first university in Japan to have a School with the name “Business Administration.” The School is proud to be the birthplace of business administration studies in Japan, and enjoys an excellent reputation among both the business and academic communities.
The undergraduate curriculum consists of three areas: management, accounting, and commerce. The educational goal is to cultivate young leaders for business and professional societies by equipping them with practical knowledge based upon a strong foundation in the social sciences.
Undergraduate Program
Business Administration
- Management Strategy
- Administrative Management
- International Accounting
- Management Strategy
- Tax Accounting
- Business Statistics
- Cost Accounting
- Corporate Finance
- Social and Environmental Accounting
- Human Resource Management
- Marketing
- International Business Management
- Money and Financial Institutions
- Industrial Management
- Transport Economics and Management
- Strategic Management
- Distribution System
- Business-Government Relations
- Marketing Management
- Game Theory
- Customer Relationship Management
- Information Systems for Organization
- Financial Institutions
- Bookkeeping
- Risk Management
- Financial Accounting
- Securities Market
- Management Accounting
- International Trade
- Auditing
- International Transportation
2-1 Rokkodai-cho, Nada-ku, Kobe 657-8501 Japan
Tel: +81(0)78-803-7260
E-mail: bkyomu@b.kobe-u. ac.jp
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