開催日: 2025.01.17、2025.01.17
申込期間: 2025.01.06 ~
開催場所 六甲台第2キャンパス
●日時:2025年1月17日(金)14:00 ~ 16:45
●会場: 神戸大学百年記念館 六甲ホール(アクセス:/ja/about/outline/facilities/centennial-hall/)
●ハイブリッド形式: オンライン参加登録はこちら:
?パネルディスカッション ファシリテーター:上東貴志(神戸大学経済経営研究所)
パネリスト: 大石哲(理化学研究所?神戸大学都市安全研究センター)
第二部: 減災?災害復興の法的問題―神戸?アチェ?四川?東日本?能登
?報告2:Taqwaddin Husin/ Teuku Alvisyahrin (シャクアラ大学)
?報告3:王建平(四川大学法学院/ 災害復興管理学院)
?パネルディスカッション ファシリテータ:山崎栄一(関西大学社会安全学部)
Memorial Symposium of the 30th Anniversary of Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake:
Toward the Next Generation of Disaster Risk Management and the Reconstruction of Disaster-Affected People and Communities: Lessons from Kobe and Thereafter
■Date: Friday, January 17th, 2025 (14:00-16:45)
■Venue: Kobe University Centennial Memorial Rokko Hall
(access: /ja/about/outline/facilities/centennial-hall/)
■Organizer: Kobe University Center for Social System Innovation
■Co-Organizer: Kobe University Multidisciplinary Integration for Resilience and Innovation: MIRAI
■Simultaneous interpretation is available.
■Online registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsdeqgpjkqHN0ga90QhZtlP3mZjLfEufEr
■Purpose: After 30 years from the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, this symposium aims at deepening an interdisciplinary discussion among the schools of various fields at Kobe University to examine the progress of Kobe’s lessons of disaster risk management and disaster victim’s reconstruction, and also prospect the future of disaster management together with the foreign guests.
Part I: Disaster Risk Information and Communication Toward the Next Generations 14:00-15:30
?Keynote Speech 1: Next Generation Hazard Map and Digital Twin for Disaster Management (Prof. Tstsu Oishi, Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
?Keynote Speech 2: Risk of Infectious Diseases and Society (Prof.Go Ohji, Kobe University Center for Urban Safety and Security/ School of Medicine)
?Panel Discussion: Facilitator, Prof. Takashi Kamihigashi (Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University)
Part II: Legal Issues of Disaster Mitigation and Post-Disaster Recovery: Kobe, Aceh, Sichuan, East Japan, and Noto. (15:50-16:45)
- Legal Issues of Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and Thereafter
(Prof. Yuka Kaneko, Kobe University Center for Social System Innovation)
- Post-2004 Aceh Tsunami: Issues of International Relief and Recovery Efforts
(Justice, Dr.Taqwaddin Husin/ Dr.Teuku Alvisyahrin, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia)
- Post-2008 Sichuan Earthquake Recovery: Its Success and Issues for Rule of Law
(Prof. Wang Jinping, Sichuan University Law School/ Institute for Disaster Management and Reconstruction)
- East Japan Earthquake: Remaining Lessons from Legal Viewpoints
(Prof. Katsumi Matsuoka, Iwate University institute for Regional Disaster Management)
?Panel Discussion: Facilitator, Prof. Eiichi Yamasaki (Faculty of Societal Safety Sciences, Kansai University)