


Kobe University

Announcement for all new students starting in AY2020

April 9, 2020

Updated on April 9

Regarding classes in the first semester and Guidance

In light of the increasing spread of novel coronavirus, Kobe University has decided to implement the measures below to ensure that education and research activities can be conducted with regard to the health and safety of all staff and students.

Please bear in mind that these measures may change in response to the spread of the virus. In this case, we will inform you through the website etc.

1. Commencement of classes: May 7 (Thursday)

It was previously announced that AY2020 classes would begin on April 20. However, the semester will now begin on May 7 (Thursday) in accordance with the State of Emergency that was announced on April 7.

2. Class delivery *Updated April 9

Classes for the first quarter of the semester (beginning on May 7) will be conducted as remote classes via the internet. The situation regarding classes in Quarter 2 (beginning on June 26) will be announced at the beginning of June. These remote classes will use the university’s academic support system ‘BEEF’ or web seminar systems.

3. Conduction of New Student Guidance etc.

(1). Guidance for New students *updated April 9.

Each faculty/graduate school’s face-to-face Guidance sessions for new students in AY2020 have been cancelled. This will be conducted via the internet instead. Details regarding dates and times will be posted on the university homepage as they are decided.

Your Student ID, Student Handbook and Student Account details will be posted to the same address that your entrance examination results were sent to. These will be posted out on April 13 (Monday). If you haven’t received these documents by April 17 (Friday), please contact the applicable Student Administration Office (details can be found on Page 8 of your入学試験合格者へのお知らせ booklet). We will also send you order forms for the Kobe University Co-op’s ‘Textbook Sale’. 

* For new international students, an orientation video and handouts are available on this page

(2). Medical Examinations for new students

To protect the safety of students and prevent the spread of the coronavirus, the usual check-up where students congregate in the medical examination venue will not be held. Instead, only your medical history is required. Please see the following link for more information regarding required documents: /en/NEWS/info/2020_03_26_01.html

4. Preparations for Remote Learning *updated April 9

Students are asked to prepare the following before their New Student Guidance:

1. Laptop computer

A laptop computer with a camera, speakers and microphone is ideal.  

http://www.office.kobe-u.ac.jp/stdnt-kymsys/student/green/pcmust/index.html(Japanese only)

If you do not have a computer, you can also access classes through your smartphone or tablet.

2. Internet connection

Please make sure that your home internet has sufficient data capacity.

For example, watching videos of one class requires between 500MB-1GB of internet data. If you are using mobile internet at home instead of broadband, please ensure that you have an unlimited data plan to avoid having insufficient data to access class materials.

Please confirm that you can log into ‘Uribo Net’ and ‘Student Support System ‘BEEF’’ by following the ‘About your Kobe University Account’ explanation which was sent to you along with your account details.

Uribo Net Manual in English and Japanese: http://www.office.kobe-u.ac.jp/stdnt-kymsys/student/uribo_net/uribo_info.html

In addition, we are currently setting up a webpage for remote learning- details will be made available once it is online.

3. Overseas travel

For the time being, overseas travel is prohibited for students regardless of the destination’s Infectious Disease Level. Students who are currently abroad are asked to return to Japan. However, please note that it may not be possible for foreign students of Kobe University to enter Japan due to the Japanese government’s border measures. Before returning to Japan, please check the latest information on the Ministry of Justice website and make sure that these restrictions do not apply to you.

March 19 notice from the Ministry of Justice on landing refusal. 

Ministry of Justice top page.

More information in English about Government measures and multilingual coronavirus support can be found on the Japan National Tourism Organization site: https://www.japan.travel/en/coronavirus/

Students returning to Japan from abroad are required to self-isolate for a period of 14 days commencing the day after arrival in Japan.


(Student Affairs Department/Student Affairs Division)