


Kobe University

Regarding the conduction of Semester 2 classes

September 18, 2020

To all students,

From the beginning of Semester 2 on October 1, the ‘Classes (Lectures/Seminars/Practical Work)’ and ‘Coming to University (students)’ sections of the ‘Kobe University Activity Restriction Measures’ will be reduced to Level 1.

As stated in the previous post (Japanese only) on August 11 about classes in the second semester, classes will be mainly held remotely. Some lectures, seminars, experiments and practical training will be carried out face-to-face under strict infection prevention measures.

Please confirm with the applicable faculty/graduate school as to which lectures, seminars and practical work will be conducted face-to-face.

Be aware of the possibility that face-to-face lectures could be changed to remote classes even midway through the semester due to regional infection levels or an outbreak on campus.

When taking classes on campus, please pay attention to the following:

  • Thoroughly disinfect your hands with hand sanitizer and wear a mask
  • Refrain from coming to university if you feel unwell. Contact your administering faculty/graduate school to inform them of this.
  • If it is necessary for you to avoid face-to-face classes due to a medical condition, please contact your administering faculty/graduate school.
  • Follow the points in the links below to prevent novel coronavirus infection in your daily life:
    Novel Coronavirus Infection Prevention lecture (Youtube video in Japanese) 
    Novel Coronavirus Infection Prevention lecture notes (Powerpoint in Japanese) 
  • Use the checklist to monitor your health: Japanese. A similar checklist is available in English here.

Please follow any additional instructions that may be given by your faculty/graduate school etc.

More information about coronavirus prevention can be found on the Kobe University Medical Center for Student Health homepage (in Japanese) and the Index of Novel Coronavirus announcements (in English).

(Academic Affairs Department)