


Kobe University

Index of Novel Coronavirus announcements

March 28, 2023

[Last updated on: April 25, 2023. Section(s): Class/Academic Information]

This page gives an overview of coronavirus-related announcements made by Kobe University in English.
*For announcements in Japanese, please see this page.

 Kobe University's Activity Restriction Measures
 All categories at LEVEL 0 (Normal) (As of May 8, 2023)
  【Level Chart: PDF 】

Messages and Warnings ▼

Class/Academic Information ▼

Immigration and Residence Information ▼

Extracurricular Activities ▼

Vaccinations/Medical ▼

Support and Financial Aid ▼

Previous updates ▼

Useful links and information (external sites) ▼



Messages and Warnings

Regarding the recovery period for those with novel coronavirus infections

September 16, 2022
Main Information: Updated information on the recovery period (i.e. stay at home period) for students who catch the novel coronavirus.

Updates regarding Coronavirus Infection Prevention Measures

Updated November 11, 2022
Main Information: Updated information on proceedures for staff and students to follow if: they feel unwell, are diagnosed with novel coronavirus, have been informed that they are a close contact, or have been in the presence of a close contact person for an extended period of time.

About changes to the system for reporting novel coronavirus infections and cold-like symptoms

Updated June 8 and August 8, 2022
Main Information: If you are diagnosed with novel coronavirus or have cold-like symptoms, you must fill out one of the following forms on this page in addition to contacting your faculty/graduate school. As of August 8, it is possible to make multiple reports with the most up-to-date information.


Class/Academic Information

Regarding the conduction of classes in AY2023

March 16, 2023

Main Information: The majority of classes from April 2023 onwards are scheduled to be conducted in person, with some classes online or in hybrid format. Masks are optional but please continue to practice infection prevention (santizing hands etc.)

Library Services in the academic year 2022 (April 1 2022-March 31 2023)

Updated February 7, 2023
Main Information: Information about Library Services, the opening times of specific libraries and infection prevention measures during AY 2022. 

Borrowing Books by postal service

March 16, 2022
Main Information: How to borrow materials held by the libraries via post for those who have difficulty coming to the university.


Immigration and Residence Information

No announcements at the moment. 


Extracurricular Activities

Please practice infection prevention measures when taking part in club activities, avoid drinking and eating together and wear masks when possible. Please follow the directions of your club leader and do not participate in club activities if you feel unwell. More details on restrictions regarding extracurricular activities can be found in Japanese here.



FAQ about the Novel Coronavirus Workplace Vaccines

Updated September 30, 2022
Main Information: Students' frequently asked questions about getting boosters of the vaccine at Kobe University/from the local authorities. Note: Updates on subsequent vaccination sessions will be posted first on the Japanese homepage.


Support and Financial Aid

List of support systems/programs for international students

July 27, 2020 (updated on August 18, 2021)
Main Information: List compiled by MEXT detailing the various kinds of support available to international students in Japan in the face of novel coronavirus-related circumstances (including financial and visa-related help).

Regarding the Kobe University International Student Support Association’s “COVID-19 countermeasure special loan"

June 29, 2020
Main Information:  Details regarding the special loan that international students who are struggling financially due to coronavirus related circumstances can apply for.


Previous updates

Infection Prevention over the Christmas and New Year Holiday Period

December 20, 2022
Main Information: Those who are travelling during Christmas and New Year are advised to get PCR tests before and after their trip.

December Reservations: Coronavirus booster vaccinations (against the Omicron variant) at Kobe University

September 30, 2022, updated October 21, 24 and December 6
Main Information: Detailed information about the administration of coronavirus booster vaccinations at Kobe University and the application process.  Updated December 6: Vaccinations available without reservations to the first 100 people who come on December 7 before 15:00 (see announcement for more info)

Notice regarding the 2022 Medical Check-up for Students

April 5, 2022
Main Information: Important information about the 2022 Medical Check-up for students including dates, venues and what to bring.

Feb 2022: 2nd Application period: Emergency Student Support Handout to enable students to continue their studies

December 27, 2021 (updated February 4th, 2022)
Main Information: Eligibility and application process for JASSO's handout for students who are struggling financially due to loss of income caused by the coronavirus situation. 2nd Application period submission deadline: February 15, 2022.

Dec 2021: About conduct over the New Year’s period regarding the coronavirus

December 23, 2021
Main Information:Reminder for students about the importance of continuing to practise thorough infection prevention over the holiday period.

About the lifting of the State of Emergency (October 1, 2021)

October 1, 2021
Main Information: Reminder to all students from Executive Vice President Ohmura about the importance of continuing to practise thorough infection prevention even though the State of Emergency has been lifted.

To those who received Novel Coronavirus Vaccinations at Kobe University

August 27, 2021
Main Information: Message for those who were vaccinated at Kobe University about the recent reports on contaminated vaccine doses.

Thorough infection prevention during the State of Emergency

August 19, 2021
Main Information: Message to all students from Executive Vice President Ohmura about infection prevention in light of the state of emergency announcement for Hyogo Prefecture.

Notice regarding Novel Coronavirus Vaccinations

August 4, 2021
Main Information: Important message to all students about vaccinations and infection prevention at Kobe University, urging all students to protect themselves against infection so that student life can return to normal.

Important: Regarding Novel Coronavirus Vaccine Administration

July 6, 2021/updated July 27
Main Information: Important information for Kobe University students about how to make an appointment to get the novel coronavirus vaccine at the University. Also includes a vaccination guide and precautions to take, both of which should be read before making reservation. Friday August 6 is scheduled to be the last day for 1st doses (Friday September 3 is due to be the last day for 2nd doses). 

About the lifting of the State of Emergency

June 24, 2021
Main Information: Message to all students from Executive Vice President Ohmura about Hyogo Prefecture's quasi-emergency status, the University's coronavirus prevention measures, lesson conduction and vaccinations.

Important: Survey for all students regarding COVID-19 vaccination to be emailed on June 18

June 17, 2021
Main Information: All students should complete the survey question about whether or not they wish to be vaccinated at Kobe University.

About Novel Coronavirus vaccinations at Kobe University (including Kobe Shoin Women’s University)

June 11, 2021
Main Information: Kobe University is scheduled to begin vaccinating its students and staff against the novel coronavirus from the end of June 2021.

Message from the President to all students
About the conduction of classes in Quarter 2

May 27, 2021
Main Information: Message from Executive Vice President Ohmura about the conduction of classes up until the end of September 2021.

Important appeals from Hyogo Prefectural Government regarding coronavirus

May 13, 2021
Main Information: Important information on class conduction, cancelling of most extracurricular activities and measures that all staff and students should take in their daily lives, in light of the serious coronavirus situation in Hyogo Prefecture

About extracurricular activity restrictions

May 10, 2021
Main Information:Detailed summary of the March 26 restrictions for Kobe University students who take part in extracurricular clubs and circles, as well as information about the prohibitions put in place on April 26.

About the conduction of classes after April 26, 2021

April 28, 2021
Main Information: Message from Executive Vice President Ohmura about the conduction of classes and extracurricular activities during the current State of Emergency (April 26, 2021~).

President's Message Regarding the State of Emergency

April 26, 2021
Main Information: Important message from President Fujisawa about the current State of Emergency and the novel coronavirus situation

Update regarding the conduction of Semester 1 classes in AY2021

April 19, 2021
Main Information: Due to the recent widespread increase in coronavirus cases, some classes will be held remotely instead of face-to-face.

Regarding thorough novel coronavirus prevention in light of the recent surge in infections

April 1, 2021
Main Information: Hyogo Precture is continuing to experience a high number of new daily cases. Students are urged to follow the extra precautions in the Prefectural Governor's new message.

For Foreign Nationals Currently Overseas with Status of Residence in Japan 

August 25, 2020
Main Information: Details about the procedures for entering and re-entering Japan for Foreign Nationals, in addition to important information re. quarantine, transportation and accommodation.

Measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for new incoming international students 

July 9, 2020
Main Information: Detailed info about validation extensions for the Certificate of Eligibility. Also, links to information about entry permission, landing restrictions and quarantine.

Re-entry of Foreign Nationals with a Status of Residence in Japan

November 4, 2020 *updated on March 11, 2021.
Main Information: Information about the proceedures for re-entering Japan for Foreign Nationals, in addition to important details re. quarantine, transportation and accommodation. Additional information re. the pledge that all re-entrants must sign as well as the post-arrival proceedure for those who have stayed in countries with coronavirus variants of concern has been added on March 11, 2021.

Library Services during the spring vacation

February 5, 2021
Main Information: During the spring vacation (2/9-4/5) libraries will be open from 9am-5pm weekdays (the hours for the Library for Social Sciences are slightly different), infection prevention measures will be enforced, and there will be some limits on the number of people using each library at the same time. See the link above for more information.

Borrowing Books by postal service (until April 5)

February 5, 2021 (updated with information regarding spring vacation and semester 1)
Main Information: How to borrow materials held by the libraries via post for those who have difficulty coming to the university.

Regarding semester 1 classes in AY2021

February 5, 2021
Main Information: Dates for class registration and commencement. The majority of classes will be conducted remotely with some held face-to-face under strict infection prevention measures.

About conduct over the New Year's period with regard to the spread of Novel Coronavirus

December 15, 2020
Main Information: Reminder for students about continuing to be careful and practise infection prevention measures over the holiday period.

About the lifting of the Graduate School of Science’s Administrative Office lockdown

October 21, 2020
Main Information: The offices were reopened on October 21 following a lockdown due to 3 cases of novel coronavirus.

Library Services during Fall 2020

September 25, 2020
Main Information: From October 1, Kobe University members can use their student or library card to enter the libraries as normal, libraries will be open from 9am-5pm weekdays, infection prevention measures will be enforced, and there will be limits on the number of people using each library at the same time (Please note that the usage restrictions for the Library for Medical Sciences are different). See the link above for more information.

Important: October 1st updates to Kobe University's Activity Restriction Measures

September 23, 2020
Main Information: From October 1, the following categories will be reduced to Level 1: Research Activities, Classes, Coming to University (students) and Extracurricular Activities (students). All other categories will remain at Level 2.

Important: October 1st updates to Kobe University’s Activity Restriction Measures 

September 23, 2020
Main Information:
Kobe University's Activity Restriction Measures will be reduced to Level 1, with some categories at Level 2, coming into effect on October 1st. An updated table detailing these measures has been posted.

Regarding the conduction of Semester 2 classes

September 18, 2020
Main Information: Majority of classes will be conducted remotely with some held face-to-face under strict infection prevention measures.

Message for students: Thorough enforcement of infection prevention measures 

July 31, 2020
Main information: Reminder to students to practise infection prevention, especially when going out, and a summary of the Hyogo Prefectural Governor's message about this.

Recruiting applicants for the Kobe University International Student Support Association Scholarship 

June 29, 2020
Main Information: Second application period for international students who are struggling financially (deadline: July 10). 

【Update : accepting additional applications】About the Emergency Student Support Handout to enable students to continue their studies

July 6, 2020
Main Information: Additional applications are being accepted for JASSO's Handout (deadline July 17) for those struggling to continue their studies due to coronavirus-related financial difficulties. Please see link for more info.

Important: June 26 updates to Kobe University’s Activity Restriction Measures 

June 23, 2020
Main Information:
Kobe University's Activity Restriction Measures will be reduced from Level 3 to Level 2, coming into effect on June 26. A new table detailing these measures has been posted.

Measures against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) for current international students  

June 3, 2020
Main Information:  Updates regarding conduction of semester 2 classes; plus information on visa validity suspensions, entry ban restrictions, PCR testing/quarantine for arrivals.

Information about the Special Cash Payments from the Japanese Government 

May 29, 2020
Main Information: About how foreign nationals with a residence status of over 3 months can apply for the Japanese government's relief payments.

Message from the President in response to the lifting of the State of Emergency 

May 26, 2020
Main Information: Annoucement from President Takeda about the need to continue taking precautions against infection, Kobe University's Activity Restriction Measures being set to Level 3, and financial aid for struggling students.

Continuation of Kobe University's Emergency Announcement

May 12, 2020
Main Information: The Japanese government's State of Emergency has been extended until May 31. Students are advised to stay at home and staff are advised to work from home where possible.

Cautionary Reminder for Students

April 28, 2020
Main Information: Students are strongly reminded to refrain from holding parties etc. with others at home, in dormitories and at eating and drinking establishments etc. to reduce infection risks.

Update regarding Novel Coronavirus measures

April 28, 2020
Main Information: Information about the Kobe University Activity Restriction Measures, which all staff and students are required to follow to prevent the spread of infection.

Current Students: AY2020 first semester classes and Guidance

April 21, 2020
Main Information: Classes for the first quarter of the Semester (beginning May 7) will be conducted online, Information about how online classes will be conducted and Guidance. Course Registration /textbook purchasing information added on April 21.

Announcement for all new students starting in AY2020 

April 9, 2020
Main Information: Classes for the first quarter of the semester starting May 7 will be conducted online. Updated information about this and Guidance in the link.

Update regarding Novel Coronavirus measures

March 19, 2020
Main Information:  Travel prohibitions for staff and students, what Kobe University students who are currently abroad should do.

Updates regarding Novel Coronavirus measures

March 11, 2020
Main Information: Don't come to the university if you feel unwell, what to do if you are returning from an infected area/had close contact with an infected person/have symptoms of the virus, list of countries to which travelling is prohibited. 

Updates regarding Novel Coronavirus measures

February 17, 2020
Main Information: 1. Staff as well as students are also required to stay at home for 14 days after returning from affected areas/countries. 2. Travel to China (including Hong Kong and Macau) is prohibited for all staff as well as students, in accordance with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ announcement on February 12.

Updates regarding Novel Coronavirus measures

February 6, 2020
Main Information: procedure for those returning from affected areas, what to do if diagnosed with novel coronavirus, travel to China (Students: prohibited, Staff: strongly discouraged), everyone must submit notification of all travel plans to the university.

Kobe University’s measures to prevent the spread of Novel Coronavirus

January 29, 2020
Main Information: procedure for those returning from affected areas, infection prevention measures, diagram of the procedure to follow if you feel unwell (refrain from coming to the University).

Alert issued regarding novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, China

January 28, 2020
Main Information: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ alert regarding novel coronavirus and links to useful information from the World Health Organization.


Useful links and information (external sites)

Information in English:

Information in Japanese: